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Our radiators are designed for your application.
We take your installation dimensions, the environment, the desired extra head and noise requirements into account.
Numerous designs are possible

Table coolers

Table coolers can be used for both direct and indirect cooling.
Table coolers are being used more and more. An important advantage is that a low sound pressure level can be achieved with low-speed fans.
Another advantage is that they can be placed remotely and therefore not placed in the cramped machine room. Numerous designs are possible

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Fuel day tanks

For the atmospheric storage of diesel oil, boiler oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and waste oil of known origin in hazard class AIII.

We deliver according to the German TUV WHG or for export
We have series products, but we also draw and make customer-specific designs, also in stainless steel.

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Exhaust gas silencers

De Korne supplies exhaust gas silencers from the catalog but also special versions. Materials adapted to your circumstances. The Korne not only supplies dampers but the entire system; including compensators, trouser piece and rain hood. We are also happy to assist you for the sound technical calculation.



There is nothing more convenient than a complete system!
De Korne draws and supplies pipes for both the cooling installation and the exhaust gas route. 
Exhaust gas route complete with compensators, trousers, rain hood or pipe with bird protection mesh.
Cooling installation piping complete with bellows, hose clamps and compensators where necessary. We  immediately calculate the water-side pressure loss.

We supply pipes in both stainless steel and ordinary steel.


Oil coolers

Depending on the situation, the oil cooler can be added to the cooler as a separate circuit or can be designed as a separate cooler.
In marine applications, the aluminum cooling block is coated.


Expansion tanks

De Korne produces expansion tanks for indoor and outdoor installation, in hot-dip galvanized steel and in stainless steel. We calculate the volume on the basis of the total system volume.  During the implementation, we take the requirements of the diesel engine into account.
The Korne also mounts expansion tanks on the table coolers and connects them for you.

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Our world is getting louder and louder. As always, our solutions are customer specific; we calculate and supply soundproofing solutions of material and dimensions that suit your project.

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Remote cooling kit

Easy to mount solution for engines with an air/air circuit, where the cooler cannot be placed directly in front of the engine.
The primary cooling system in a frame with water cooled charge air cooler (WCCAC), plate heat exchanger, expansion tank and piping, so that one water pipe can go to the table cooler in the roof.

Heat exchangers

De Korne supplies heat exchangers suitable for high working pressures in various material combinations and dimensions. 

Remote cooling kit
Warmt wisselaar
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De Korne selects and supplies the right fan for applications such as radiators but also room ventilation. We take into account the environmental requirements (ATEX), temperatures and required static pressure.
The correct selection not only determines the performance of the installation, but also the noise level and the (electrical) power consumed.


Murphy diesel level switches

At the end of 2009 the diesel oil level switch was taken off the market by Murphy. Many customers have applied these level switches.

For new installations or replacement, EJ de Korne can supply the well-known Murphy level switches in a fuel version (ie with an enlarged float). These level switches are in stock.

Murphy Fuel Level Switch Benefits

  • Potential-free changeover contact

  • Easy to install

  • Equipped with simple test option

  • Level indication of minimum or maximum liquid level

  • Operation with float suitable for diesel oil

NB! : These level detectors are not suitable for biodiesel.

We also have the standard Murphy level switches (EL 150 K1) in stock.

Murphy diesel

Exhaust gas coolers

De Korne selects and supplies the right fan for applications such as radiators but also room ventilation. We take into account the environmental requirements (ATEX), temperatures and required static pressure.
The correct selection not only determines the performance of the installation, but also the noise level and the (electrical) power consumed.



  • Outdoor air vents

  • valve registers

  • Flexible spacers

  • Deflector cover

  • Compensators

  • Trousers

  • rain caps

  • Fuel hand pump


For more products you can contact us: 


Uitlaatgassen pijpwerk


Wij leveren niet alleen de losse componenten zoals de uitlaatgassendemper. Wij kunnen complete uitlaatgassensystemen aanbieden; Engineering, leidingwerk, broekstuk en uitlaatgassen geluiddemper, al dan niet met rookgaskoeler en bij grotere projecten met montage.


Dubbelwandig, geïsoleerd systeem, gebruikt als onafhankelijke externe schoorsteen voor aggregaten, warmtekrachtkoppelingseenheden en andere verbrandingsmotoren en turbines. Het systeem wordt gekenmerkt door weerstand tegen hoge druk tot 5000 Pa . Dankzij speciale verbindingen van elementen op de mantel, met behulp van pakkingen en de zogenaamde vrije kern, die uitzet onder invloed van hoge temperaturen (tot 600°C), vervult het systeem perfect zijn functie in generatoren met het hoogste vermogen. Dit-systeem vereist geen gebruik van expansiecompensatoren.


Ons uitlaatgassenpijpwerk is dubbelwandig en van roestvrij staal.  De isolatie is beschikbaar van 30-60mm. 

Vraag ons naar de mogelijkheden!





Onze warmte wisselaars zijn ontworpen om te koelen bij installaties waar geen of onvoldoende luchtkoeling is. Ze zijn ook geschikt voor situaties waarbij er een hoge luchttemperatuur is. Een warmte wisselaar is dan efficiënter en een stillere oplossing dan een luchtgekoelde radiateur.
Onze warmte wisselaars zijn compact gebouwd, stil en ontworpen voor motoren tot 1500 kW.
Veel warmtewisselaars zijn op voorraad. Er is een uitvoering voor marine toepassingen.
Warmtewisselaars worden overal gebruikt; voortstuwings systemen, hydraulische stabilisatoren, boegschroeven, powerpacks, lieren, deckuitrusting, stroomaggregaten, compressoren enzovoort.
Nieuwe ontwikkelingen zijn het koelen batterijpakketten, omvormers en electromotoren.

Voor het uitwisselen van een OEM deel, zijn er voor een aantal motoren/ modellen uitontwikkelde warmte wisselaars, vraag naar de mogelijkheden!

Warmte wisselaars
Uitlaatgassen tracé
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